Robert L. Forward / Rocheworld [Analog serialization]

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002163 - Rocheworld.JPG

Robert L. Forward / Rocheworld [Analog serialization]


Rocheworld as serialized in three parts in Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (December 1982, January 1983, February 1983 / Vol. CII, No. 13; Vol. CIII, Nos. 1-2)
Forward, Dr. Robert L.; Hoagland, Richard C.; Peirce, Hayford; Palmer, David R.; Pohl, Frederik; Schmidt, Stanley (ed.)
Marion, OH: Davis Publications, 1983.
178pp.; 19.5 x 13 x 1 cm [each issue]
Softcover (very good)

Three issues of Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact magazine featuring the complete three part serialization of Dr. Robert L. Forward's novel Rocheworld`. December 1982 issue also includes the novelette "Dark Thoughts At Noon" by Timothy Zahn as well as short stories by Thomas R. Dulski, Ray Brown, and Jackson Burrows. January 1983 issue also includes the novelette "Taking The Fifth" by Hayford Peirce as well as short stories by Mary Caraker and Bill Hays. February 1983 issue also includes the novella "Seeking" by David R. Palmer and the novelette "Murphy's Planet" by Michael P. Kube-McDowell as well as the short story "Servant Of The People" by Frederik Pohl. All three issues are in very good condition with minimal wear to the covers. Address stickers present on the front covers of the January and February 1983 issues and on the rear of the December 1982 issue. A quite handsome set.

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